Life,  Motherhood

Why YOU should be writing!


You don’t have to be a blogger, freelance writer, or any certain something, to write. Writing is a certain something, we all should be a little extra time for. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Whether you’re a pen to paper kind of person, or maybe you prefer a keyboard. No matter the way you choose to do so, you’re conveying your inner thoughts. Making them expressible, and you a little more vulnerable, even if only to yourself.

It seems, most people fear vulnerability. However, being vulnerable with yourself is an action that should not be feared, but encouraged. No judgments, no harsh words or options, just you, allowing yourself to fully expose your thoughts and all that is you. You know, the thoughts we convince our minds to bury, for fear the feelings that come hand in hand, are just too much for us to handle at the present moment.

My younger self would have never fathomed, writing to be my thing. I remember the days when writing an English paper, was my life’s biggest burden. It was the one thing I disliked most, yet I had no choice but to do it. So I did, just as most teenagers do, I procrastinated! Let me tell you, procrastination and myself – we were friends. The keyword in that sentence is “were”! There is zero time for procrastination in the world of motherhood!

As individuals, we all have our stuff or baggage, as most call it. Whether it comes solely from ourselves, our children, family, or loved ones, it has its way of directly affecting us. Almost forcing us into forming our own thoughts and options regarding a certain issue, or problem. When Brenley was diagnosed with cancer, and even diabetes, I realized that in no way, could I continue to burying my thoughts. If I did, I knew at some point, I would break. Maybe not in the days, weeks or months to come. Hell, maybe it would even take years, but at some point, it would happen. For me, as a mother, I knew I could not allow that to become my reality. It was up to me to find my outlet, my purpose, my therapy – all for my own thoughts.

That’s when it all started, in the Notes app on my iPhone. I would sit awake for hours on end, while I listened to beeping infusion pumps, and I would write. Everything I was thinking, I would transfer to my iPhone. In-between my never-ending thoughts, I would stare at her monitors & count her respirations. Once I would feel slight relief, I would then stop and read all that rendered in my brain. If I’m going to be completely honest, most of it didn’t even make sense. I would jump from one crazy thought to the next. All these understandably, horrifying thoughts totally consumed my mind.

This writing thing soon turned into the journal of my crazy, yet beautiful life. It is without a doubt my outlet, my own little therapy session – by me, for me! Must of these sessions I share, and others I keep just for myself. It helps me to put life back into perspective, refocusing my thoughts just to the important ones. Decluttering, and refreshing my mind.

Writing has a way, of making you feel as if you are no longer alone with your own thoughts.
Try it…I dare you!♡


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