• Life,  Motherhood

    Why YOU should be writing!

      You don’t have to be a blogger, freelance writer, or any certain something, to write. Writing is a certain something, we all should be a little extra time for. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Whether you’re a pen to paper kind of person, or maybe you prefer a keyboard. No matter the way you choose…

  • Motherhood

    A poem to my daughter

      August 27th, 2015, at 12:48 pm, God blessed us yet again! Brysen Ann Farner, was born & I, was finally complete! I could have never imagined, you to be this special, this selfless, this caring, this bright, this witty, this sassy, this dramatic, this loving – I could have never imagined you to be quite this amazing!    …

  • Family,  Life,  Motherhood


    un·im·ag·i·na·ble /ˌənəˈmaj(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective  1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend. Her face is one of many, that I will never forget, and the words she spoke, were just as unforgettable… As I held my sleeping baby tight in my arms, while image after image, was being taken of her little belly and my left hand interlocked with Josh’s. I…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    Scan Day

      Scan day August 10th, 2018   These days are always complete exhaustion. Who would have thought anticipation could take so much out of you? Once the treatment ends, and your left to find your way back to normal life, people often ask – “So she’s cured now, right?!”  So sure that my answer to that question is going to…

  • Family,  Health,  Motherhood


    un·im·ag·i·na·ble /ˌənəˈmaj(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective  1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend.   To pick up where I left off. It was November 2016, we had just celebrated Brenley’s 3rd birthday. Hard to believe our baby girl was already three years old, and a type 1 diabetic for 7 months. Just saying that in my head as I write this, makes…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    July 30, 2018

    July 30, 2018 A day I must properly document.   Some may or may not agree, but after the birth of both our little ladies. Josh and I, decided not to have them baptized. At the time of Brenley’s birth, we were still residing in Florida, with our entire family back in Pennsylvania. Although, we did attend many Sunday church…

  • Health,  Life,  Motherhood


    un·im·ag·i·na·ble /ˌənəˈmaj(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective  1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend. Can you count how many times in your life, that you’ve heard someone say, “You know it’s ALWAYS something…” or “When it rains, it pours…”? I would bet…that you can’t – that’s just life! It’s a slew of events that unfold, very few planned and many (sometimes too many),…