Life,  Motherhood

This is why I share.

Before our children were born, Josh and I cut all ties with social media. It wasn’t until we packed up two Honda civics and moved our lives to Florida, that I decided to create myself an Instagram. At the time, Instagram was just becoming the new big “thing” in social media. I thought the photo-sharing app would be the perfect way for me, more so than Josh, to stay connected with family and friends. Being that we were building our new life, nearly a thousand miles away.

It was mainly a collection of tiny squares. Each square held an image, that told a story. The story was conveyed by what you captured – more so than your thoughts in the caption. Allowing us to connect, in what felt like at the time – a much simpler way. Instagram didn’t have that stigma, of other popular social media networks. I mean, after all, we just snapped photos and hit “Post” – what could be the harm in that? Being “Instagram famous”, had yet to become a real thing, and unsought opinions were mostly kept to oneself.

I must admit I kept my posts limited; much like I do today. Sharing only what I truly wanted, with those whom I wanted – no public IG for me! I had not a clue, how to capture a somewhat decent photo. Not truly knowing what a hashtag even was, or how to apply a fun filter – it was as simple as snap, and post. But with that simplicity, came one simple rule – images of Brenley (it was just her at the time), were not to be shared via social media. Sharing her with the world, was not the kind of thing we were interested in doing.

That was, however, until April 14, 2016 – when Brenley was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. All I wanted to do, was share. I wanted to connect with as many type 1 mommas as possible. I wanted to share our type 1 journey while learning from the journey of others. But with that, came the photos and the public profile. Keeping our children away from social media did not last as long as we had intended, we were all in.

Brenley, meet the world – World, meet Brenley…

At the time, sharing Brenley with the world, was not as big of a deal to me, as it was to Josh. From my perspective, sharing was just a way for me to learn. Let’s face it, diabetes was changing our lives, with no end in sight. It was unknown territory – foreign in every way. We only had one option – to learn and be willing, to take any advice gracious enough to be given.

Do you know what’s really beautiful? When you’re exposed to something (big or small), there is an entire community out there, just waiting for you. Ready to welcome you in, with open arms and caring hearts. Where judgments go unheard, and opinions are kept quiet. They are just there because they get it – they get you, even more so than those who are the closest to you.

After making Brenley’s Instagram public, I started connecting immediately. Discovering a new found family, in the type 1 world. Type 1 diabetes is a disease that so many, young and old, battle every day. Each new day is yet another challenge, that differs from the last. Type 1 life, is exhausting – both physically (T1D never sleeps), and mentally. There is immense pressure to manage this disease to my best possible ability. After all, it’s her little life that depends on it. Just keep stacking on the stress – I mean hey, why not?!

The more I started to share, the more I realized we were not alone. The less defeated I felt when the days didn’t go as planned. When the unexpected, happened, and our blood sugars reflected no pattern. When the tough questions were being asked, and I did not have all the answers. I no longer felt as if I was failing her. Quickly realizing, this was just the everyday struggle of diabetes – a struggle which we do not face alone. Making my reason for sharing her with the world, that much greater!