Health,  Life,  Motherhood



1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend.

Can you count how many times in your life, that you’ve heard someone say, “You know it’s ALWAYS something…” or “When it rains, it pours…”? I would bet…that you can’t – that’s just life! It’s a slew of events that unfold, very few planned and many (sometimes too many), unplanned. In the end, it somehow forms a spectacular image. Well for us, “life” was about to hit us hard. In a way, we never could have imagined.

Weeks after the closing of our property that would soon become our home. Leaving our rental, and moving in with my parents – a decision we were starting to question. It was time to plan a birthday party, on top of everything else, Brenley was turning 3! As most parents have said, It genuinely seemed unreal. How could our baby girl, already be three years of age?

With our lives in such an uproar, the last several weeks, we wanted to be sure Brenley had the best birthday; we could possibly have for her. This was the first birthday that she wished to be all in on the planning. Which was a bit different for me, as I am used to planning these birthday bashes solo. After, a diabetes diagnosis and having to spend the past seven months adjusting. It was a must that she is given as much “say so,” as possible. This birthday was ALL about her – I mean, aren’t they all?

This year (2016) her birthday fell on the most dreaded day of the week, a Monday. So we opted to celebrate at home with just the grandparents, and a cake of her choice. After seeing a commercial for Dairy Queen ice cream cake, there was no convincing her otherwise. The DQ ice cream cake was her cake of choice. Aside from, never before eating an ice cream cake. Being that I obsess over her blood sugars, this type 1 mama did not love her cake of choice. Apprehensive, would be the best word to describe it. Fighting extreme highs and extreme lows, scare me! So, we do our very best to avoid those fights.

Not to my surprise, after indulging into that always delicious, ice cream cake! I mean, who doesn’t love ice cream cake? The blood sugar crashed, and it didn’t come alone. Her belly ache was so terrible; I could only hold her one way in my arms. Chest to chest, with her legs crossed together, along the front of my body, just slightly over my hip bone. So, that’s just the way I held her, all, night, long. Sitting was only comfortable for her, if I was upright on a couch, still in the same position in my arms. With the song “I Hate You, I Love You” playing on repeat. While attempting to, readily have a boob available for Brysen, if need be.

Oh, this is motherhood!

Needless to say, it was a very much sleepless night. When it no longer was worth the struggle, to get comfortable. We got up to start, what we hoped would be a better day. Being that Brenley’s Well Check-up at her pediatricians, was later that afternoon, the timing for a belly ache was kind of perfect. Although, I was convinced belly pain, was all related to that awesome, never before eaten, birthday cake the day before. I always feel better knowing for sure, what mama doesn’t?

After a very standard check-up and full abdominal exam, all seemed better. Brenley was no longer complaining of a belly ache and had no other signs of a stomach bug, or illness. Suddenly, she just seemed like herself! Still somewhat concerned, considering the amount of pain she was in just hours before. Overall, the visit did, put me more at ease. No parent wants to see their babies in pain, of any kind. As Tuesday came to an end, I was hopeful we were all going to get the sleep, we so desperately needed. Thankfully, I was right! At this point, I thought for sure, that terrible belly ache was behind us.
Little did I know, that was just the beginning…