Life,  Motherhood



It’s nice to see you again! Of course, when you grace us with your presence, that simply means we must kiss the summer farewell, and say hello to Fall and Football! I must admit, Fall is the season I favor the most. I’m a sucker for pumpkin spice, ever-changing leaves, and sweaters! I even discovered my new favorite fall beverage, thanks to a lovely Starbucks Barista, pumpkin spice chai tea latte – like what?! Yea, it’s as delicious as it sounds!

See how quickly, that redirected to pumpkin spice? I may have a problem…

Back to September…this month holds such great significance in my life, far beyond pumpkin spice, leaves, and sweaters. It’s the month that brings much-needed awareness to a disease, I hold near and dear to my heart – Childhood Cancer. Yep, for those of you who did not know, September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month! It’s the month us, Childhood Cancer advocates spread gold like confetti. Telling our journey on a deeper level, sharing our darkest moments. More eager than ever, to get this world talking. Desperate to inspire change, for our children.

Last year at this time, the world watched, while Hurricane Harvey destroyed the lives of so many. As the beautiful city of Houston, Texas was engulfed by water.
The historic devastation of this storm, took the lives of over 88 human beings, of all ages. It nearly destroyed over 200,000 homes, causing the city more than $125 billion in damages. With all the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, something beautiful came about. Strangers from all around the world came together to help, in any way they could. From donating their time to clean and repair the damage, to donating supplies, food, clothing… the list goes on.

Then something pretty incredible happened that stunned many. JJ Watt, defensive tackle for the Houston Texans, took to social media asking people to make a donation of any amount to a go fund me page, started by himself. With a goal of $200,000 to help in the relief of Hurricane Harvey in the city, he calls home. Of course, with his celebrity status and social media following, the donation started pouring in. Exceeding the $200,000 goal, just within hours. I mean, how remarkable is that?

Strangers from around the world came together in any way they could, big or small. The donation amount didn’t really matter. What did, however, was how passionate we were in helping repair the lives of so many. From a natural disaster, that destroyed families…with no remorse or hesitation – age, race, gender, nationality or religion does not play a factor. Within just weeks and with over 200,000 donations, the goal was far surpassed. Raising over $37 MILLION, from one go fund me page, all cause JJ Watt, encouraged us to do so.

With this sort of event, comes national news coverage, all hours of the day and night. It’s nearly impossible to find a station, not airing some kind of update. During this time last year, Brenley’s horrendous cancer treatment regime had finally come to an end. At times, it felt as if we would never see that day. With all the media converge, Brenley became very concerned, wanting to know “Why that was happening to the people of Houston?” and “Mommy, how can we help them?”.

The day after this lengthy conversation occurred, we set out for a serious shopping spree, all for the children of Houston. She was so into doing, anything she could to help and very adamant in making sure her purchases, got into the hands of these children. I’m convinced, if she could of hand delivered them herself, she would have. Still to this day, she asks…”Mommy, how are the children of Houston? Do they have their homes back yet?”.
Her soul never ceases to amaze me.

While I was taking in, all that was unfolding around me. The Hurricane, the media coverage, the go fund me page, the truck loads of donations, the dollar donations, and my (not even) 4 year old wanting to give what she had, just to help…made me think, quite a bit.

Childhood cancer was very similar to the horror of this Hurricane. Within the blink of an eye, it changes your life forever. It can cause physical and mental pain that can persist for a lifetime. It can take the life of anyone, with zero discrimination. It destroys homes, as most cancer parents, don’t make it through the heartache – tearing apart the heart of a home.  There is only one real difference between the two, there is no human being to inform you, a storm is coming. You can’t prepare for childhood cancer. Oh, yea and the media coverage is heavily lacking.

If only, we could bring the world together, to rally around childhood cancer, just as they do for the victims and cities, of hurricanes.
Our children need a cure…

During the month of September, I encourage you to count how many times you see televised coverage on Childhood Cancer Awareness. Sadly, I can tell you now, It wont be very many, if any at all.