Family,  Life

Oh Number 2!

I have to admit as I stay up late each night writing these post, I have to wonder if I’m boring you yet? I sure hope the answer is no! With high hopes for you to find this blog inspiring, knowing a glimpse of our history as a family is crucial. You will understand more in the next few posts as to what I’m getting at. Soon you will fully understand the heart and soul of this blog. Back at it now…

After settling in to our new house, and just enjoying life with the 3 of us. Before we knew it, it was just about time for the 3 of us to be no longer…this baby was coming! The months turned into weeks, and I spent every moment trying to prepare Brenley for her role as a big sister and mommy’s helper. Of course, I’m biased, but Brenley is smart, like really smart…and she NEVER forgets a thing! So preparing her for her baby brother or sister was like preparing a teenager for college….they think they know it all, therefore your knowledge as a parent is pretty much useless. Oh yea, the gender of baby number 2 was going to be a surprise! As for Josh, he of course wanted a boy. I on the other hand, wanted to give him a boy, but my mothers intuition told me girl! A mother’s intuition is never wrong, remember that!

As August was fast approaching, I oddly enough felt calm and just ready…really ready! At first, I thought I was going to feel sad or feel as if I was robbing Brenley of our special mommy, daughter bond. Truth is, I never gave that any thought. Seeing her excitement to learn each day that passed, was a day closer to when her big sister role would be begin, was validation for me. I was about to give birth to my best friends’ – new best friend! Then to think that the love I give to Brenley, I was going to soon give to another child, was so overwhelming…in a good way!

Being that I had Brenley via cesarean, I had the option this time around to pick the birth of our new baby, and plan it all out! Let me tell you, with a toddler at home and me being a bit over protective and I guess you can say, fussy when it came to her care, I was enjoying the planned birth! I was prepared, and when you’re about to have a baby, nothing feels better than being prepared.

Oh the morning of the birth, we loved all over Brenley one last time as an only child, and off to the hospital we went! I’m uncertain if Bren’s excitement was solely for the arrival of her baby sibling or because both mine and josh’s mother (GiGi & MiMi) came to play. When we arrived at the hospital, things didn’t happen as quickly as we were hoping, being that our anxiety was through the roof, waiting to know the gender of this baby. Finally, it was time to get prepped for the OR, or, so we thought. I was in the OR alright, ready for them to get this baby out…but, nothing was happening. My doctors were ready for me, but nursery staff was not ready for the baby. So what happened…I laid on the OR table for over 2 hours, while Josh paced the OR so anxiously, I thought he was going to end up in a bed next to me.

All at once, after a very long wait, all the Doctors burst through the door of the OR…it was finally time! Only minutes after the anesthesia kicked in, they told Josh to get ready to announce the gender. Josh stood up and before I could process what was happening he said…”GIRL!”, and all at once the entire OR staff sang Happy Birthday to our baby girl!

As soon as Josh cut that cord, the joy was indescribable! Weighing 6lbs 13oz 19in long, our baby girl was here…her name, Brysen Ann!


Of course, Josh and I were now anxiously waiting for Brenley to arrive. When she did, Josh brought her in to sit by my side, she even brought me a flower! This was the moment she met her sister for the first time, everything was just as it was suppose to be!


That moment is one I nor Josh will never forget!
& then there were 4 ♡