Life,  Motherhood

November 14th


Hard to believe, it was two years ago today that the unimaginable struck us. Two years ago today, we had no idea the journey we were about to embark on. Two years ago today, our future was clouded with unknowns. Two years ago today, our entire world came crumbling down. Ripping us into a billion pieces. Shattering our hearts, and breaking our spirits.
Two years ago today, our greatest fear, became our reality. Two years ago today, a stranger stood over us and broke us. Two years ago today, we heard the most terrifying words a parent can hear…”Your daughter has cancer. I’m sorry…”.

I’ve replayed that dreadful moment, over and over again. It was as if our daughters’ life, was nearing the end. How? How could this stranger know? How was it, that she was so sure, our daughter had cancer? How dare she tell us this! Why our daughter? How could God do this, to OUR daughter! Why?!

Two years later, I know the answer to every burning question rapidly racing through my mind. Truth is, not every answer is ideal, but they’re answers -which is more than I had at that moment. Today, I have much more, than I had two years ago, and I have cancer to Thank for it. I know I, myself, would have never fathomed to be thankful for a cancer diagnosis.

See, two years ago today, each day of our lives, we lived with uncertainty. Complete fear, that what if, this day, was truly our last with Brenley. Living life, not knowing or understanding, is beyond anything I can put into words. Sure, you may be thinking, “Isn’t this how we all live life?”, to a point yes, it is. We live life, not knowing if we will be blessed with tomorrow. However, how often during our days, does the thought of NOT being here, actually cross our mind? For a childhood cancer family, this thought reoccurs, every single day.

Forcing us to do one simple thing, to live our days seeking out beauty. Living, in each and every moment. Only seeing life, for what it sincerely is – a gift. A gift so pure, only God can give it, and only he can take it. With each gift of life, comes a journey – each one, unique. These journeys, are meant to take us places, places far beyond our expectations. Only to teach us valuable life lessons, about ourselves – our strengths and weaknesses. Reminding us, as human beings, what all we are capable of. Proving to us, that the deeper we dig, the more we find.

There is no gift as great, as the gift of life. So today, November 14, 2018, on our 2 year Cancerversary and World Diabetes Day, I challenge you to find the beauty in this day. I want you to allow yourself to live in the moments, to savor the good, and brush off the “bad”. Today, I challenge you to dig a little deeper, allowing yourself to see beyond what meets the eye.

Today, I encourage you to celebrate your milestones – ALL of them. While reflecting on the tribulations that got you here. Life’s challenges, aren’t meant to make us give up on life. They happen, in hopes to make us push harder, dig deeper, stand taller, fight stronger, become prouder, think smarter and above all, grow closer to God.

Today, I challenge you to celebrate every tribulation. For without them, you would not be the person you are today – because that person, is so worth celebrating ♡


Happy World Diabetes Day to all our fellow Type 1 Warriors!
& a very special Happy 2 year Cancerversary to my real life superhero!


A few milestones worth Celebrating…

November 14, 2016
Ready to fight…hard


November 18, 2016
First smile post diagnosis & surgery
(tumor resection & full left nephrectomy)

November 19, 2019
First time out of bed, in 5 days.


December 1, 2016
Start of treatment
(first chemotherapy)


December 13, 2016
Shaved her own head
(extreme hair loss, took only 13 days)


December 15, 2016
First day of radiation therapy


December 19, 2016
Officially the youngest patient, to do radiation therapy,
without sedation!


January 9, 2017
She did it!
Final day of radiation
(Day 13!)


Adjusting to life in a hospital.


Savoring our little bit of “normalcy”


She’s a damn Champion!


July 7, 2017
Final inpatient chemotherapy
(chemotherapy infusion that requires
multiple overnight hospital stays)


July 20, 2017
Treatment finally came to an end!


August 10, 2017
First post-treatment scan
No Evidence of Disease!


August 22, 2017
The granting of her Wish!


September 16, 2017
Celebrating her precious, CANCER FREE life!


December 11, 2017
Removal of her trusty port!


August 10, 2018

Dear God,
Thank you, for today & every day