• Motherhood

    3 Tips to Teach Your child How to Read

    Learning to read at an early age is critical for a child’s growth. It allows children to get a better understanding of their surroundings, collect knowledge from printed sources, and provide a tremendous source of amusement when they read stories and rhymes. Children develop at different rates, and some gain reading abilities easier than others. What matters is that you,…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    2 Years CANCER FREE!

    Many moments occur in life, that we simply never forget. The kind of moments that hold a certain significance. That we are unable to free from our memory, no matter how hard we seem to try. I’ll never forget that day. After our official diagnosis was given, and our treatment regime was decided upon. Our hearts shattered, as our world…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    This is why I share.

    Before our children were born, Josh and I cut all ties with social media. It wasn’t until we packed up two Honda civics and moved our lives to Florida, that I decided to create myself an Instagram. At the time, Instagram was just becoming the new big “thing” in social media. I thought the photo-sharing app would be the perfect…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    Reality Hits

    This is hard for me – this post, these thoughts, this reality. Reality is something, most of us have struggled with, at one time or another. Struggling with our perception of reality vs. the truth of our reality. Wanting to believe that life around us, is unraveling just as our eyes see it. We tend to see or recognize only…

  • Family,  Life,  Motherhood

    Faith over Fear

    If we are being honest, what parent ever thinks “their” child, could be diagnosed with cancer. Sure, at times we hear about someone we know, who knows someone, whose child is battling cancer. But never, could such a “thing” hit so close to home – until, it does. Cancer is undiscriminating – it holds no remorse. Cancer does not see…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    November 14th

      Hard to believe, it was two years ago today that the unimaginable struck us. Two years ago today, we had no idea the journey we were about to embark on. Two years ago today, our future was clouded with unknowns. Two years ago today, our entire world came crumbling down. Ripping us into a billion pieces. Shattering our hearts,…

  • Motherhood

    Dear Brenley J

      Five years ago today, at 6:02 pm you took your very first breath and life as I knew it, forever changed. That day was one I’ve dreamt of, over, and over again. Patiently, anticipating that moment when my greatest dream would become my reality. Of course, your journey entering this world was not as seamless as it played out…