• Family,  Health,  Life

    Our New Normal…

    By the time we had arrived at the hospital, the reality of the situation really began to set in. Type 1 Diabetes was indeed, no joke. The ER was expecting our arrival, no time was wasted getting us in a room, to be seen immediately. This had not been my first trip to Children’s Hospital, and it was not about to…

  • Family,  Life,  Motherhood


     sur·vi·vor /sərˈvīvər/ noun 1. a person who survives, especially a person remaining alive after an event in which others have died   June 3rd, 2018 We celebrated National Cancer Survivors Day Sure never thought this day, would hold such great significance in our lives, as it does today… Today, is #NationalCancerSurviorsDay Today, is a day we celebrate all who are still…

  • Family,  Health,  Life

    The Call…

    Several months had gone by, and by this time we had this family of four thing down! We were just good at it! Of course, it helped that Brysen’s demeanor was somehow even better than Brenley’s was at her age. I can give credit where credit is due, and Brysen…she made the transition from one child to two, super easy! Then Brenley,…

  • Life,  Nutrition

    5 tips to IMPROVE your toddlers eating habits!

    Being a mother of a two little ladies, both with completely different palates…meal time can be tough. Growing up my mother was never much of a cook, so the older I grew, cooking was something I desperately wanted to be good at. Passing on good knowledge in the kitchen to my children, is a must for me. Not only am…

  • Family,  Life

    Oh Number 2!

    I have to admit as I stay up late each night writing these post, I have to wonder if I’m boring you yet? I sure hope the answer is no! With high hopes for you to find this blog inspiring, knowing a glimpse of our history as a family is crucial. You will understand more in the next few posts as to…

  • Family,  Life


    Okay, we’re going to take a few steps back…just briefly. Remember, this is all an overview to catch you up on our life. So like I said, time to back pedal. When Josh and I moved back home, after being in Florida for 15 months. We did not exactly have a place of our own here waiting for us…yep, you…

  • Family,  Life,  Motherhood

    Just a Mom

    Remember how I mentioned that Josh and I moved to Florida to take on an adventure together? Well…after being there for 15 months soaking up the sun, fully adjusted to living with one another, in two different apartments, with four different jobs, oh yea, and having a baby! I would say we achieved exactly what we intended. On November 7th,…