• Life,  Motherhood

    Scan Day

      Scan day August 10th, 2018   These days are always complete exhaustion. Who would have thought anticipation could take so much out of you? Once the treatment ends, and your left to find your way back to normal life, people often ask – “So she’s cured now, right?!”  So sure that my answer to that question is going to…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    July 30, 2018

    July 30, 2018 A day I must properly document.   Some may or may not agree, but after the birth of both our little ladies. Josh and I, decided not to have them baptized. At the time of Brenley’s birth, we were still residing in Florida, with our entire family back in Pennsylvania. Although, we did attend many Sunday church…

  • Health,  Life,  Motherhood


    un·im·ag·i·na·ble /ˌənəˈmaj(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective  1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend. Can you count how many times in your life, that you’ve heard someone say, “You know it’s ALWAYS something…” or “When it rains, it pours…”? I would bet…that you can’t – that’s just life! It’s a slew of events that unfold, very few planned and many (sometimes too many),…

  • Family,  Life,  Motherhood

    A Path Well Paved

    You know, its funny the things we take for granted.The things we don’t often think about.The ones we pay so little attention too, that if they were to disappear tomorrow, we would barely even notice.Then, there are the things we believe, we absolutely could NEVER live a day without. That if they suddenly no longer existed, we would question, how…

  • Family,  Health,  Life

    Making Changes

    Surprisingly, adjusting to life with diabetes didn’t take us very long. It somehow just came natural, even for Brenley. She was immediately able to recognize when she felt that her blood sugar wasn’t quite right. For a 2 and a half-year-old, that’s pretty damn incredible. With Type 1 Diabetes, there is ZERO room for error. So for us, organization was…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    Holding it ALL Together…

    You know its funny when I was 16 I convinced my parents to let me get my first tattoo. I, of course, knew exactly what I wanted and where. Even before I knew they would agree, to allow me to get it. The tattoo would be…”Your Greatest Strength Lies Within You”, located on my ribs slightly beneath my heart. As…

  • Family,  Health,  Life


      Oh, technology, what on earth would we do without it, right? Sure, it’s wonderful! I mean at all times, with the touch of a few buttons, we can find out absolutely anything! Mostly, all from the power of our smartphones, or tablets. However, with the ease of this, also comes downfalls. THE SCREEN TIME! Our faces are engrossed into…