• Life,  Motherhood

    November 14th

      Hard to believe, it was two years ago today that the unimaginable struck us. Two years ago today, we had no idea the journey we were about to embark on. Two years ago today, our future was clouded with unknowns. Two years ago today, our entire world came crumbling down. Ripping us into a billion pieces. Shattering our hearts,…

  • Family,  Life

    Hello November♡

      And just like that, it’s the 11th month of the year. I can’t begin to tell you just how much, this month means to me. As many of you may know, Josh and I are building our family home, and it has been one hell of a process. After the purchase of our land back in 2016, just 5…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    What lies ahead

      With November fast approaching, my emotions greatly intensify- it’s a big month for us! November is all about Brenley; really it is! We will not only celebrate another year of her beautiful life on the 7th, but on the 14th, we celebrate World Diabetes Day and 2 YEARS since being diagnosed with stage III cancer. Yeah, that’s a bit…

  • Life,  Motherhood


      It’s nice to see you again! Of course, when you grace us with your presence, that simply means we must kiss the summer farewell, and say hello to Fall and Football! I must admit, Fall is the season I favor the most. I’m a sucker for pumpkin spice, ever-changing leaves, and sweaters! I even discovered my new favorite fall…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    Celebrating “Firsts”!

    One of the beautiful things about life is, we all have “Firsts”….many, many Firsts. From our first steps to our first word, to the first time we potty in a place, other than our pants. The lists could truly go on forever. One of the biggest “Firsts” in our lives, is the first time we attend school. Whether it be…

  • Life,  Motherhood

    Why YOU should be writing!

      You don’t have to be a blogger, freelance writer, or any certain something, to write. Writing is a certain something, we all should be a little extra time for. There is no right or wrong way to do it. Whether you’re a pen to paper kind of person, or maybe you prefer a keyboard. No matter the way you choose…

  • Family,  Life,  Motherhood


    un·im·ag·i·na·ble /ˌənəˈmaj(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective  1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend. Her face is one of many, that I will never forget, and the words she spoke, were just as unforgettable… As I held my sleeping baby tight in my arms, while image after image, was being taken of her little belly and my left hand interlocked with Josh’s. I…