• Family,  Health,  Motherhood


    un·im·ag·i·na·ble /ˌənəˈmaj(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective  1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend.   To pick up where I left off. It was November 2016, we had just celebrated Brenley’s 3rd birthday. Hard to believe our baby girl was already three years old, and a type 1 diabetic for 7 months. Just saying that in my head as I write this, makes…

  • Health,  Life,  Motherhood


    un·im·ag·i·na·ble /ˌənəˈmaj(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective  1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend. Can you count how many times in your life, that you’ve heard someone say, “You know it’s ALWAYS something…” or “When it rains, it pours…”? I would bet…that you can’t – that’s just life! It’s a slew of events that unfold, very few planned and many (sometimes too many),…

  • Family,  Health,  Life

    Making Changes

    Surprisingly, adjusting to life with diabetes didn’t take us very long. It somehow just came natural, even for Brenley. She was immediately able to recognize when she felt that her blood sugar wasn’t quite right. For a 2 and a half-year-old, that’s pretty damn incredible. With Type 1 Diabetes, there is ZERO room for error. So for us, organization was…

  • Family,  Health,  Life


      Oh, technology, what on earth would we do without it, right? Sure, it’s wonderful! I mean at all times, with the touch of a few buttons, we can find out absolutely anything! Mostly, all from the power of our smartphones, or tablets. However, with the ease of this, also comes downfalls. THE SCREEN TIME! Our faces are engrossed into…

  • Family,  Health,  Life

    Our New Normal…

    By the time we had arrived at the hospital, the reality of the situation really began to set in. Type 1 Diabetes was indeed, no joke. The ER was expecting our arrival, no time was wasted getting us in a room, to be seen immediately. This had not been my first trip to Children’s Hospital, and it was not about to…

  • Health,  Nutrition

    5 SIMPLE Label Reading Rules to Live by!

    Lets talk about Nutritional Labels, even before Brenley was diagnosed with diabetes, I was anything but a pro at label reading. However, nutritional labels were ALWAYS something I paid very close attention too, especially the Ingredients list! If label reading is something you do not pay too much attention to, I can’t blame you. Aside from the fact that most…

  • Family,  Health,  Life

    The Call…

    Several months had gone by, and by this time we had this family of four thing down! We were just good at it! Of course, it helped that Brysen’s demeanor was somehow even better than Brenley’s was at her age. I can give credit where credit is due, and Brysen…she made the transition from one child to two, super easy! Then Brenley,…