• Family,  Life

    Hard Choices

    Just days after bringing in the new year, “it” happened – you know, life. The ever so unexpected, dreadful events of life. It’s that sort of something, I’m not quite ready to talk about. I mean I want to, and one day I plan to. Mainly because I believe this is something many people struggle with; or at least they…

  • Family,  Life

    Cheers to 2019!

    Determination, it is written all upon her little face. She is determined to succeed with the task at hand. Laser focused, on determining just how she will do so. I often look at my children in amazement, when I notice “that” look in their eyes. Are they going to fail? – Of course. Without failure, there would be no growth.…

  • Family,  Life,  Motherhood

    Faith over Fear

    If we are being honest, what parent ever thinks “their” child, could be diagnosed with cancer. Sure, at times we hear about someone we know, who knows someone, whose child is battling cancer. But never, could such a “thing” hit so close to home – until, it does. Cancer is undiscriminating – it holds no remorse. Cancer does not see…

  • Family,  Life

    Beyond Thankful♡

      thank·ful /ˈTHaNGkfəl/ expressing gratitude and relief.   There is no holiday like that of Thanksgiving. It’s the one holiday when receiving, is not expected. It’s a day intended for quality time with family and loved ones. It’s time given to share self-reflection, delicious food, lots of laughs and past memories – all while creating brand new ones. It’s the one…

  • Family,  Life

    Hello November♡

      And just like that, it’s the 11th month of the year. I can’t begin to tell you just how much, this month means to me. As many of you may know, Josh and I are building our family home, and it has been one hell of a process. After the purchase of our land back in 2016, just 5…

  • Family,  Life,  Motherhood


    un·im·ag·i·na·ble /ˌənəˈmaj(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective  1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend. Her face is one of many, that I will never forget, and the words she spoke, were just as unforgettable… As I held my sleeping baby tight in my arms, while image after image, was being taken of her little belly and my left hand interlocked with Josh’s. I…

  • Family,  Health,  Motherhood


    un·im·ag·i·na·ble /ˌənəˈmaj(ə)nəb(ə)l/ adjective  1. difficult or impossible to imagine or comprehend.   To pick up where I left off. It was November 2016, we had just celebrated Brenley’s 3rd birthday. Hard to believe our baby girl was already three years old, and a type 1 diabetic for 7 months. Just saying that in my head as I write this, makes…