Family,  Life,  Motherhood

Just a Mom

Remember how I mentioned that Josh and I moved to Florida to take on an adventure together? Well…after being there for 15 months soaking up the sun, fully adjusted to living with one another, in two different apartments, with four different jobs, oh yea, and having a baby! I would say we achieved exactly what we intended.

On November 7th, 2013…only five days past my due date, I became a mommy! Weighting 8lbs 1.2oz 21.25in long, Brenley J had finally arrived! Her beautiful face and exceptional behavior made her pretty damn hard to resist. It was safe to say she had us wrapped around her tiny little fingers.

Shortly after her arrival, we packed up all the belongings we came with and then some, and made the dreadful 25 hour drive back home. Sure our “home” is not the crystal clear waters of the Gulf, with the white sandy beaches and breathtaking scenery no matter where your eyes wandered. However, it’s where we grew up, it’s where the people we love most are, that is and always will be home!

Though, moving back was definitely not easy. We left our paradise, to go back to family, family and more family. I know, that sounds kind of churlish, but newsflash…you don’t know our family. Of course, we love them…quite actually, we love them a lot. It’s just when there is a baby involved, they’re well, how do I say…vultures! I mean, when you go from complete tranquillity at all times, coming back to family, can be a serious adjustment.

After settling in again, life couldn’t get any sweeter. Every morning, we woke up next to our baby girl, with that never-changing sparkle in her eye. The way she locked eyes with us, that feeling I’ve dreamt of my entire life. From the start she knew, we were hers and she was ours. Every day for us, was a new day to play and learn. We spent every minute, of every hour, of every day together and nothing in this world is better than mommy, daughter togetherness!

You know with the first child, everything is different. Your new at it, so the first time has to be the right time, like you can’t mess up…ever! I mean, the pressure is real! Oh and the photos, see we weren’t into the monthly ones, we were day-to-day kind of photo takers. Like in the same chair, everyday until her first birthday, never missed one! Then we returned on a 3 month basis for a more professional photo shoot. Oh if every child could be the first!

Like most moms, I woke one morning and it was like my new-born baby was suddenly a toddler. All just because she could walk and say a few words. I had to keep reminding myself she was still only 9 months old, that I had time before toddler fun was in full swing. Then three months later, she’s 1! If only I could turn back was official my baby was no longer a baby.

Of course we had a huge first birthday celebration. Brenley’s 1 and she still had her great-great grandparents (yes, that’s 5 generations) here to enjoy it, whats not to celebrate!  Then just weeks after celebrating the big day, life happened again people…
I was pregnant! That’s right, baby number two was on the way! Sure it was going to take he/she 9, really 10 months to make their debut, but trust me, It was happening! The pressure to figure out our life was on…