Life,  Motherhood

July 30, 2018

July 30, 2018
A day I must properly document.


Some may or may not agree, but after the birth of both our little ladies. Josh and I, decided not to have them baptized. At the time of Brenley’s birth, we were still residing in Florida, with our entire family back in Pennsylvania. Although, we did attend many Sunday church services, we did not actually belong to any one church. On top of that, our beliefs were somewhat different. Baptizing was a subject we often spoke about in the recent months following Brenleys’ birth. Whether to, or not to baptize our daughter. Together we made the decision to wait. It was important for us to wait, until she, herself was old enough to truly understood baptism. It had to be right, for her, not just for us. After all it is her life, not ours.

This past Sunday, was the start of vacation bible school. At the church, my grandparents belong too, one we often attended. This church has been beyond incredible to our family, in the midst of Brenley’s cancer diagnosis. Lifting her up in prayer, every Sunday, and all the days in between. Unfortunately, due to cancer treatment, we were unable to attend last years vacation bible school. So when they learned from their older cousins, how much fun it was. Finding out for themselves was indeed a must.

Both Brenley and Brysen, woke up Monday morning counting down the hours until it was time for “church bible school”. When the time finally came, they packed their little purses and danced in excitement right out the door. For me, I danced out right along with them, relieved to no longer have to answer…” Mommy, how much is left before we have to leave for church bible school? ”!

Like most Bible schools, the children are split into groups, either by their age or the grade, they are starting in the fall. Being that Brenley and Brysen were going to participate, Brysen being the youngest in attendance, they were allowed to stay in the older class with their cousins. Even though, I never left them. I think I’m what you call a helicopter mom – yep, that’s me!

After the opening, each group goes to a different activity. For our group, first up was that evening’s lesson – trusting in God, no matter how big your problems are.

I have to tell you, it could not have been a more fitting lesson for us. I myself was rather intrigued and so was Brenley. Surrounded by children, 3 to 4 years older than her, she was by far the most into it. Truly listening and studying, every word that was spoken. I could have watched her, listen to them, all day long.

When the 30-minute lesson came to an end, the teacher closed in prayer, followed by asking if anyone wanted to pray, to accept God into their hearts, to be forgiven for all their sins. Not much to my surprise, the only child to stand up and say, they wanted to do so…Brenley. As serious as could be, she then came over to me and said “ Mommy, I would like to do that…can I? “. I immediately responded with “ Absolutely babe! “. She then took my hand, and together with Brysen on my hip and our cousin Paige tagging close behind. We met two ladies, who were going to walk Brenley through accepting God into her heart.

After patiently listening, she crossed her hands, closed her eyes and bowed her head. Repeating every word they asked of her. My Brenley, just 4 years old, so purely asked and accepted God into her heart. I would never have expected my Monday to be so emotional. The chills continued to take over my body, and the tears continued to run down my cheeks. What I had just witnessed at that moment, is beyond what I can explain. Just like that, with her sparking eye and beaming smile, she took my breathe away.

Brenley J, you somehow find new ways to amaze me♡


One Comment

  • Sarah U.

    All of your posts are so touching, but this one in particular brought tears to eyes and chills over my body. Those are two PRECIOUS little ladies you have