Family,  Life

Hello November♡


And just like that, it’s the 11th month of the year. I can’t begin to tell you just how much, this month means to me. As many of you may know, Josh and I are building our family home, and it has been one hell of a process. After the purchase of our land back in 2016, just 5 weeks prior to Brenley being diagnosed with cancer, our home building came to a screeching halt. Our daughters’ health, trumped everything and anything in our lives – she was our sole priority.

Fast forwarding to today, just over 2 years later, in the month of November, the building of our family home is finally underway. Saturday, November 3rd, we broke ground and it couldn’t feel any sweeter! I truly do not believe I was prepared for all the feelings that struck me that morning. I knew I would cry when the day finally came, that this home we have been dreaming of, would start to become a reality. However, I was in no way ready for all the emotions.

After breakfast that Saturday morning the girls and I got ready and headed over to see the progress. Josh, my father, and the excavation contractors had already been at work for several hours prior to us arriving. It had been lightly raining early that morning and rain, plus dirt, plus excavation, equals lots and lots of mud! Let me tell you, I never knew mounds of mud could look so good.

As my two excited little ladies and I trucked through the mud to the spot where our home will soon sit, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was finally looking at the final piece to our puzzle. The one thing we have been anticipating for over 2 years. The one thing we have been longing for our children – their very own place, to call home!

While I stood back, taking it all in, I took a deep breath, and hard swallow as I tried to hold back my tears. That’s when I pulled out my phone to snap a photo and immediately noticed the date, November the 3rd. Just as they are now while writing this, my tears were impossible to hold back any longer.
November is the month when my greatest dream came true and our life as a family begun, when Brenley J Farner was born on November 7, 2013.
November is the month when we celebrate, and bringing awareness to our first life-changing health diagnosis – Type 1 Diabetes.
November is the same month, our entire lives were ripped apart, after receiving Brenleys’ second life-changing diagnosis. This time…cancer – Stage III Malignant Rhabdoid Tumor, on November 14, 2016.
Today, November is the month when our lives are being rebuilt, with the start of our Family’s Home!

Oh, November, thank you for all that you’ve given me. You made me a mother, you broke me in million pieces, you made me stronger, and now you’ve given me life all over again!


Dear God,
May you forever Bless our Home
& all who is in it♡