Family,  Life

Hard Choices

Just days after bringing in the new year, “it” happened – you know, life. The ever so unexpected, dreadful events of life. It’s that sort of something, I’m not quite ready to talk about. I mean I want to, and one day I plan to. Mainly because I believe this is something many people struggle with; or at least they have, at one time or another. The conflict of doing what is best for you and your life, or doing what others think you should do. Mostly for their own self-benefit, or because it’s the “right” thing to do.

After having to deal with this certain something, I needed to take a minute. A little time for myself, to breathe and refocus my mind. Figuring out where I want to go and how I plan to get there. This kind of thing is never made easy, it’s more or less trial and error. Let me tell you, figuring out life does not happen overnight. It’s the kind of battle, you will likely fight forever. There are no rules, and if indeed we try to make them, odds-are life will stop us in our tracks. It’s just a matter of which battles, are worth the fight.

See, every single thing in this life first starts as a choice. It is then, what we choose, that will ultimately determine our destination. During our earliest stages of life, choices are something we can not make for ourselves. Not yet able to understand right from wrong and comprehending consequences is still far beyond our years; I suppose that’s why God gave us parents. To protect, comfort, support, teach, lead by example, guide, direct and overall, raise into the kind of human beings, this world needs more of. Every outcome being determined by the choices they make on our behalf.

The older we become, the more responsibility we are given. Every choice is now made only by us, for us. Being held responsible for all actions taken. In total control, of each choice and every outcome. Learning how to deal with consequences and learn from our mistakes. Finding forgiveness and knowing that to forgive does not mean to forget. We must learn confidence, not arrogance. Knowing when to admit our faults, and how to correct them. Remembering that our feelings do not make us weak. We must find our inner strength, but be unafraid to seek help. Learning the importance of self-love, never allowing others to break us. Above all, we must continue to remind ourselves, that this life is ours – and one is all we are given.

“It’s important to
do what’s best
for you, whether
people approve of
it or not.
This is your life.
You know what’s
good for you and
self-love takes

– Unknown