Family,  Life


Okay, we’re going to take a few steps back…just briefly. Remember, this is all an overview to catch you up on our life.

So like I said, time to back pedal. When Josh and I moved back home, after being in Florida for 15 months. We did not exactly have a place of our own here waiting for us…yep, you guessed it! Time to pick a family member and move on in!

If driving home from Florida with my father, Josh, myself, a breastfeeding new-born (Brenley), and a U-haul on the hitch of our Honda for 26 hours was not stressful enough. Moving all our “stuff” in with Josh’s 80-year-old grandmother was the maraschino cherry on the cake.

Our decision came about due to the recent illness of her husband (Josh’s Grandfather), that put him in a nursing home. Josh’s grandmother, Eleanor “Elly” for short, was now in a huge house alone, with only their dog. We thought us moving in would be not only helpful to her, but good company.

Elly was a very active and self-sufficient 80-year-old. She drove, went to exercise three times a week, did her own cleaning, grocery shopping and was a top-notch cook, I mean what grandma isn’t! Truthfully, she really did not need us around for much of anything, and oh boy did we soon know it.

I want to point out, we were and still are very grateful for all she has and continues to do for not only us and our children, but for her family entirely. However, living with an 80-year-old woman who is forever set in her ways, was beyond difficult. Lets put it this way, everything I did was wrong, no matter how hard I tried. Of course, we had very many ups and downs and our limits were put to the test. It became very apparent that us living there, although it was nice at times, caused more stress on her and us than intended for. Living with anyone family or friends, is not an easy situation to adapt too.

Naturally, after celebrating Brenley’s first birthday and also my pregnancy, it was time to start making some serious decisions. Josh was never the type to want to live where we have our entire life. In his mind there is a big beautiful world out there, with far more to offer us than where we are now. Don’t get me wrong, after living in Florida and experiencing what life is like there, compared to where home is…I get it. However, it’s not just him and I any longer, we have a daughter and before long, we were becoming a family of four. After being back home and watching how much everyone loves Brenley, and more importantly how much she loves them. I couldn’t take her away from our entire family that she loves so much, just because.

This was a topic of conversation for Josh and myself quiet a lot. It occurred so often that just thinking about the topic gave me an instant headache. Once we finally agreed, or should I say Josh gave up on trying to convince me to move. The question then came, do we look for a house to buy or do we rent a house until we are certain on what we want. The search for a rental house was underway. It was the kind of task that no matter how hard you tried to stop looking, you just couldn’t.

Once we finally found the right one for us, it was game on. Time to get the new house ready and pack up! Elly was relieved to have her home back to herself, and we could not have been more thrilled! Finally our own space as a family…our home♡