
Dear Brenley J


Five years ago today, at 6:02 pm you took your very first breath and life as I knew it, forever changed.
That day was one I’ve dreamt of, over, and over again. Patiently, anticipating that moment when my greatest dream would become my reality. Of course, your journey entering this world was not as seamless as it played out in my dreams – yet, it was perfect in every possible way.

This is going to be a tough one for me. Although, I write about you, in just about every post I publish. This is the first one, I’m writing directly to you. In the midst of writing this, I start to feel myself getting overwhelmed with emotion, that is quickly trying to take over. See, you’re not just my daughter; you’re my best friend, my inspiration, my teacher, my strength, my courage, my hero, and so much more.

You add immense value to my life. You give me the kind of “things” that are unable to be expressed through words. You have this incredible way of teaching me, each day how to be better. It’s as if your sole purpose in life, is to teach and to change; and you do just that.

I would have never fathomed my journey through motherhood, would have turned out quite as it has. When most think of motherhood, you never imagine it to be anything but life-changing, in the absolute best ways possible. Truth is, there is not one thing in this life, that will unfold just as you expect it too. Life is full of high highs, extreme lows, and sudden, unexpected turns. The kind that tests you; tests every part of your being.

For me, the events of our lives, have done more than test me; they’ve taught me. All because of you, I see life through a different lens. I’m able to see past life’s uncertainties, allowing me to strip down the layers, and see things for what they truly are. To see the beauty that lies deep beneath our every day. As if I have blinders, which only allow me to see the good in each day – you know, the simple things. Truly appreciating our most precious gift of all – time. Time is a gift we are all given. However, the amount in which we will receive is unknown.

Brenley J, it is because of you, that I savor each day God blesses me with. I will never be able to express just how proud you make me. You will never know how much I love you. You will never know the strength you’ve given me, and you will never know the great lessons you’ve taught me. Brenley J, there is no one in this world quite like you!

Happy 5th Birthday baby girl!
I love you to the Moon & back again
Love, Mommy♡


Dear God,
Thank you for choosing me
to be their Mommy!