Family,  Life

Cheers to 2019!

Determination, it is written all upon her little face. She is determined to succeed with the task at hand. Laser focused, on determining just how she will do so. I often look at my children in amazement, when I notice “that” look in their eyes. Are they going to fail? – Of course. Without failure, there would be no growth. Yet more often than not, they insist on a second, third or fourth attempt. So ready for however long it may take. Stopping at nothing, until they are proud. Until they have succeeded, in the exact manner in which their little minds, knew that they could.

It’s pretty incredible if you truly think about it. From the very early stages of life, their tiny minds know exactly what they are capable of.

I often question that fire, in their eyes – Will it forever remain?
That thirst to learn and grow. So eager to shine and determined to find their unique strengths. Finding new ways to surprise us with their wit and self-worth. It’s as if that little voice in their head only knows three simple words…”You Got This!”.
So simple, yet so very powerful.

I believe if we pay close enough attention, it’s the children who do the teaching. There is far more to learn from the simple, innocent minds of young children than most like to admit. They have such a desire to learn and to grow. I mean once they turn three, it seems no longer acceptable to refer to them as a baby. Setting ground rules at the age of three.

Aside from those desires, their desire for independence is even stronger.
They are forever, wanting to prove their capabilities – “See mom, I told you I could do it!”. Doubt never once, crossing their little minds. I am in no manner, ashamed to admit just how much I admire the determination of my children.

I often catch myself so intrigued by the actions of not only my daughters but many other young children. They see human – not race or gender. They look for the good in all who they encounter. Their natural instinct is to smile. Imagine the change that would occur in this world, if we could all just smile, far more often than we do. If we could not only believe in the capabilities of ourselves but also, of others.

As the new year quickly approaches and the time comes to commit yourself to a New Years Resolution – and not the kind you forfeit after the first week. I can not help but reflect on the best resolution, I had ever decided to make. It was January 1, 2017, when I decided to put every ounce of my faith and trust in God. From that moment forward, life began to make more sense than ever before. Lifes’ true beauty began to unfold.

For 2019, my resolution is just as simple – to be as determined as my daughters. To push aside any thought of fear or self-doubt, and encouraging others to do the same – not stopping until I am proud!
2019, I can not wait to see what you have in store for us!

Cheers, to what will be our best year yet♡
Let’s do this!

Everything I need in this life,
is captured in these photos.
Thank you 2018, for all your blessings ♡