Life,  Motherhood

Celebrating “Firsts”!

One of the beautiful things about life is, we all have “Firsts”….many, many Firsts. From our first steps to our first word, to the first time we potty in a place, other than our pants. The lists could truly go on forever. One of the biggest “Firsts” in our lives, is the first time we attend school. Whether it be public, private, online or homeschool – school is a HUGE deal. It’s the foundation for our education, you can’t go on in life without it.
For parents, it’s in that moment, when the realization starts to hit, hard…our babies, are no longer babies. For some, this can be a difficult realization to come to terms with. When you watch the little human(s) you created, confidently walk into a classroom for the first time as you patiently wait for them to look back, just so you can reassure them it’s all okay, but they never do…
In the earlier years of my motherhood, I thought for sure I was going to hold my babies hostage and never allow them to leave me!
Then, cancer happened…
I have said this many times before, and I will say it again…I am in many ways, thankful for our cancer journey. It was through that journey, I learned the most about life.
Here we were living most of our days in a hospital, questioning what lied ahead for our future. Just so thankful for every new day God had blessed us with, as we were unsure just how many new days, we had left. While we missed out, on many of Brysen’s Firsts. We were questioning the “Firsts” of one, while we missed out on the “Firsts” of another. Those moments were tough, really tough…
Once those moments happen, you don’t get them back. You have one shot to make them count. There is only a first time…once, no re-dos. There were MANY dark moments, during that time, when I questioned if we would ever experience more “Firsts” – Just like this…
First Day of Pre-K
Life Goals: Become a Surgeon
First day of Pre-K
Life Goals: Become a Monster or a Dog


This week, both of our little ladies started PRE-K!
It’s hard to believe this moment has come, their “First” day of school & here we all are…Happy, Healthy & ready to take on the world!

These two, could not make me more proud!
Thank you God, for this day of “Firsts”♡