
A poem to my daughter


August 27th, 2015, at 12:48 pm, God blessed us yet again! Brysen Ann Farner, was born & I, was finally complete! I could have never imagined, you to be this special, this selfless, this caring, this bright, this witty, this sassy, this dramatic, this loving – I could have never imagined you to be quite this amazing!



I’ve been wanting to do this for a very long time; to write you something, you won’t yet know exists. With only the few sentences written, my vision is now blurred from my tears. I have a tremendous amount I want to say, so much I feel I owe you.
So now, August 27, 2018 – your 3rd Birthday, here it goes…



To My Littlest Lady

I’m sorry for this journey,
for we’ve lost a lot of time.
I’m sorry for not being there,
Please know you will forever be mine.
I’m sorry for all the times I couldn’t hold you,
For all the times I couldn’t put you to sleep.
I’m sorry for all the times I could not comfort you,
When all you did was weep.
I’m sorry for all the nights we spent apart,
Each one that past, broke my broken heart.
I’m sorry for having another place to be,
for our “Benny”, really needed me.
Although, you may have been little,
too little to really know.
It’s as if you understood,
& that’s all I needed to know.
Thank you for not forgetting me,
for each night I feared that thought.
“Will my baby girl remember me?”,
It always had me distraught.
As many tears roll down my face,
there is one last thing you must know.
I am so blessed to be your mommy,
I Thank God every day for your beautiful soul!



Brysen Ann, Happy 3rd Birthday my little lady!
Thank you, for simply being you♡

I love you too much!