Family,  Life,  Motherhood

A Path Well Paved

You know, its funny the things we take for granted.
The things we don’t often think about.
The ones we pay so little attention too, that if they were to disappear tomorrow, we would barely even notice.
Then, there are the things we believe, we absolutely could NEVER live a day without. That if they suddenly no longer existed, we would question, how we could ever survive.

What if, indeed “life” happened, and your entire world was to flip upside down. Hanging there, by a tiny thread, called Faith.
Remember those things you thought you could NEVER go a single day without, suddenly you forget they ever existed.
But for the ones you never thought about missing, you’d now give ANYTHING, just to have them back…

THE JOURNEY – we all have one. It’s said that each one is written, long before it even begins. Which, kind of sounds completely crazy, right?
But it is really, just as crazy as it sounds?
For me, I think in some crazy way, it makes perfect sense. Like in the moments, when I sit at night and reminisce down our memory lane.
The chills start to trickle down my spine.

Although, in this blog, I enjoy to share my knowledge, on certain topics. In most of my posts, ones such as this…I am telling a story.
Not just any story, but our story, our journey through this life. Many of you, may wonder “why?”, and think, no one truly cares.
That may, in fact, be true. But like many, OUR journey, is one worth telling.

When I think, in which all the events in my life have unfolded. It’s as if each new event (we’ve had many), is that new puzzle piece, that somehow fits perfectly into the last one. Trust me, it never seems that way at first, but as you start to just let “it” happen, and put all of your trust in your faith. The end result somehow, always, ends up more beautiful, than you could have ever imagined.

Of course, you think to yourself…”I swear, there was a hell of a lot simpler way, for this to go down.”. To which you may be right. However, if it were to happened just as you wanted, in your “perfect” world. Then, what would you have taken away from it? Better yet, what would you have left behind?
Think about that…

Probably, not much of anything.

Some may think, that’s exactly how they want their life to play out. But, it’s through those times, the hard ones, the ones you wished never occurred. When you’re taught, the most authentic life lessons. The ones you otherwise, would never know.

Through this next chapter, that’s about to be told. I’ve learned more about this life than I know how to put into words. Learning so much about myself – my strengths, and my weaknesses. I’ve learned too much, about my relationships – both friends and family. I gained great knowledge, that I never thought I’d have to know. I’ve created exceptional friendships, with exceptional human-beings. Oh, and my perspective on life, has changed entirely. I now know, the true importance of this life.

Though, I would never wish a journey such as this, upon anyone…ever!
In many ways, I am grateful for our journey, and this path God has paved – just for us♡


  • Vanessa C

    you’ve written my exact thoughts. there are no such things as coincidences; there is fate. somehow, some way, one day, it all fits into a big beautiful picture that is purely ours and ours alone….that thing is called life!

    as a childhood cancer mom, without faith…honestly….i (or maybe even Maddie) may not have made it past diagnosis day. the Lord is good, always.

  • Aunt Barbie

    I feel so lucky to have you as my niece. Not only are you an awesome partner for Josh, more importantly you’re the best Mom I ever encountered in my entire life. Brenley any Brysen are so blessed to have you on this journey! I love this blog❤️ You have a way with words that I truly admire. I love you girl😘