Life,  Nutrition

5 tips to IMPROVE your toddlers eating habits!

Being a mother of a two little ladies, both with completely different palates…meal time can be tough. Growing up my mother was never much of a cook, so the older I grew, cooking was something I desperately wanted to be good at. Passing on good knowledge in the kitchen to my children, is a must for me. Not only am I a foodie, but nutrition is so incredibly important and something I do not take lightly for many reasons.

As Brenley got a little older, she was always in the kitchen with me. Cooking together was and still is, our thing! From the mashed up peas to roasted brussel sprouts, Brenley never fights me when it comes to meal time. She always tries it fully, chew and swallow, if she then decides she is not a fan, I no longer give it to her. I have to say, I’m uncertain of anything that she has tried and truly dislikes.

Brysen on the other hand, is a typical visual eater. If she does not like what she is looking at on her plate, chances are she’s not going to put it anywhere near her mouth, and if she does…she’s spitting it out. Unfortunately, during the most crucial time to introduce a toddler to real food, I was unable to be present in the kitchen in the way I was for Brenley. I believe this played a huge role in the reason why her eating habits are so different.

That just leaves me finding alternative ways to change it now, that life is back to normal…

So whether you’re a working, or a stay a home mama, we all know meal time can be a challenge. More often than not we are throwing together quick and easy meals. Now nothing is wrong with quick and easy. As a mother, time is not always on our side and neither are our children, or our significant other for that matter. However, quick and easy gets boring! There is no real excitement in a meal that involves little, to no preparation. Let’s be honest, who has time to prepare two separate meals to satisfy the whole family, even if it is quick and easy.

Over the last year, I’ve be able to regain my groove in the kitchen and getting Brysen to eat more like Brenley was my new goal. I’m almost certain I have tried just about everything, and while she is still not the “best” eater, her eating habits have absolutely improved.

These 5 tips are where I’ve found the most success…


What toddler doesn’t have an iPad, that sadly they use better than us?

Well, instead of them diving into YOUTUBE, or playing the latest game…pull up pinterest, a magazine or cookbook. Engage with them on the vibrant food photos, and give them options to choose from. Meals that appeal to them!

Children want to have a say so with EVERYTHING, so why not let them with their meals?


Time to break out the crayola crayons (washable of course!) and paper! Let this part be not only craft time fun, but also a lesson. Writing down the list of ingredients and/or steps to recreate that recipe is a perfect way to teach organization, numbers, letters, measurements, etc. This, will also allow you to be more present when preparing the meal, instead of referring back to the phone or iPad for the steps. Let’s face it, the less time our children see us with our faces in a phone the better!


I know you may think I’m totally nuts for what I’m about to say but…time for a grocery run, with the children! Trust me, I know how much simpler it is to do this solo. I mean how nice is it to just put your groceries on the belt without someone having to use the potty at that exact moment, with three other not so happy shoppers behind you…but what fun is that for them. Get them excited about the grocery store! They want to feel like they are helping you, ask them to read the list (the one they made), off to you…or you read the list (good luck!), and they find the groceries in the isle.


I can not stress enough how important it is to get your children in the kitchen with you. If you don’t do this already…your missing out! The joy that comes from cooking with your children is so fulfilling! Not only do they find it fun to make a mess in the kitchen, but they actually enjoy it — a lot! They can help you chop, pour, separate, stir, season, and best of all TASTE! A good cook always taste their food as they are cooking it, let your children do the same…they will love it!

Don’t be afraid to let them be the critic, within reason of course! Let them tell you what they think the recipes is missing or needs more/less of. This will spark their creativity, and after all our goal is to get them to actually eat the meal they are preparing.


Not only is it time to eat, but it’s time to bring on the praise! Make the meal a topic of conversation while sitting down to eat it, make it known to everyone at the table who choose and made the meal everyone’s about to eat!

Who doesn’t want to eat a healthy, delicious meal they worked so hard on…no one, not even a toddler♡