Family,  Health,  Life



Oh, technology, what on earth would we do without it, right?
Sure, it’s wonderful! I mean at all times, with the touch of a few buttons, we can find out absolutely anything! Mostly, all from the power of our smartphones, or tablets. However, with the ease of this, also comes downfalls. THE SCREEN TIME! Our faces are engrossed into a screen, far more than you actually think. Studies have shown that young adults spend more than one-third of their day, on their phones.

Take a minute to think about that. In that time, what EXACTLY are you doing…searching social media perhaps? Listen, I am absolutely guilty of it too. Scrolling through your Instagram feed, when there are a million other things you have to do! In fact, I just did it in the middle of writing this post – told you I was guilty!

The worst thing about technology is with our children. They are born into it all and it just keeps evolving. I swear, my little ladies can figure things out on my phone sometimes faster than I can. Their two and four, I mean come on! Let’s face it, too much screen time isn’t good for anyone, let alone these little humans who are developing each and every day. Children are like sponges, ready and craving the knowledge this world has to share. Why should we hinder their thirst for it?

I know the ease of having the television, phone, or tablet. One of the three is always within reach. WiFi is available just about anywhere, and it claims their full attention. Although, this may allow us (parents) a free few minutes, is SCREEN TIME really the solution? As the parents, just remember, there is no one our children idolize more than US!



Like I just mentioned, no one is more important to our little humans than us. They watch and study, absolutely EVERYTHING we do. When they see us with our faces in a phone, often so preoccupied that we forget to answer then they yell “mommy!” or “Daddy!”, over and over. It seems only natural, they would assume that kind of behavior is acceptable, but is it? Is that the example we want to lead for our children?

Today, we live in a society where we can’t escape it. We are more likely to see young children and teenagers, inside playing virtual video games than outside playing with “REAL” objects and people, the kind that actually exists. The more they see this happening around them, the more likely they are to acquire this bad habit themselves. So let’s pave their path!


Even at a very young age, children know just how to get what they want on a phone or tablet. Which all happen to have PASSWORD SETTINGS! This one is a big one for us. Being that Brenley and Brysen are only four and two (almost 3), passwords are a must! With an iPod and iPad that are often just lying around, mixed in with baby dolls and play food. I can not tell you how many times, my little ladies found one of the two and helped themselves to YouTube. Which was rather easy, being that neither had a password set!

Passwords force them to not only ask permission to use the device, but it also stops them from making picking up a phone or tablet, a habit!
Now with a password, they can’t just swipe and find the YouTube app.
What good is a device with an unknown password?


TIMERS!! This is another one I use frequently. Often, after showers, the girls will ask if they can “please” watch a show (YouTube nonsense mostly), while they have their bedtime snack. Depending on their behavior leading up to that question, Josh and I will usually say “yes”. One claims the iPad, and the other takes the iPod. This is when I will tell them their time limit, usually 10-15 minutes. Being that they don’t have much sense of time (Josh will say they get that from me…ha!), we agree on a time limit and the TIMER gets set! Of course, 15 minutes at the end of the evening, isn’t too bad for me either! However, this only occurs about 3 times a week. They get a two-minute warning and when it beeps – their time is up. Most of the time, they shut off their show with ease!


This is a great one for your preteen and teenagers! Although, we have some time before we are taking full advantage of this one, It’s one I can’t leave out – SCREEN TIME PARENTAL CONTROL TRACKERS!

These apps allow you to monitor your child’s screen time, no matter where they are. It lets you set time allowances for screen time. You can even block certain applications, texts and more! They can choose how they want to spend their 2 hour screen time allowance or YOU can choose it for them!  Scheduling when they are allowed to access the apps, based on their daily agenda. How great does that sound?!


Get them OUTSIDE & ACTIVE! One thing is for certain, too much screen time is not good for anyone! However, it’s just different for our children. It’s striping them, from their one and ONLY childhood. It’s no longer about the memories we spend outside exploring, discovering new things, or playing with friends. It’s about the new level they reached on their favorite video game or the last vlog posted to their favorite YouTube channel. How has this become the new way to raise our children?

It’s shocking, to be in a grocery store and not see a child with their face in their parent’s phone. Completely unaware of what is actually happening around them, in real time. They are so laser focused, that most of the time, they don’t even hear their own name being called. This is a HUGE problem!

It’s time we STOP doing the easy thing and start encouraging activities! The kind that gets their gears turning, in a good way! Find their strengths and interests outside of the virtual world, and let them run with it! This is critical, not only for their minds but for their HEALTH! When they spend more time away from the device, doing the things that actually interest them, they will soon start to forget about the screen!