Health,  Nutrition

5 SIMPLE Label Reading Rules to Live by!

Lets talk about Nutritional Labels, even before Brenley was diagnosed with diabetes, I was anything but a pro at label reading. However, nutritional labels were ALWAYS something I paid very close attention too, especially the Ingredients list! If label reading is something you do not pay too much attention to, I can’t blame you. Aside from the fact that most of the ingredients are nearly impossible to pronounce, let alone know what they even are. I mean who actually has the time to decipher an ingredient list? NO MOM EVER!

In fact, I would bet if you were to pull out everything in your pantry and toss all foods with more than 3 unpronounceable words, you would not have much of a pantry left over – crazy right! Try it, I dare you! “But the package looks healthy?”, “It says its ALL NATURAL!”…you would not believe how many time I’ve heard these exact statements! My response is ALWAYS…”Lets read the label!”.

Did you know the FDA does NOT actually have any rules implemented for a food company to be able to identify their product as “Natural”. Naturally, the word “Natural” makes us, as the consumer, feel safe. That their food is free from all “unnatural” ingredients, such as artificial sweeteners, colors, preservatives or other synthetic additives. Are you aware that there are many foods labeled “Natural”, that even contain High Fructose Corn Syrup? HFCS is a man-made alternative sweetener, that is used to sweeten more than 40% of the foods in America. Why?, because it’s less expensive, these companies don’t care that it’s absolutely terrible for us. For them it’s just the most cost-effective way to produce the foods most of us love to eat. Please do not confuse “Natural” with “Organic”, they are NOT the same!

I would be lying if I said I have never consumed a food containing HFCS or any other artificial/synthetic ingredient in my life, because I absolutely have. However, I will tell you even before diabetes took over our lives, I READ labels! Although, for my family and I, I try to purchase only USDA certified organic foods. However, there are many times when I’m grocery shopping, that I am unable to find every grocery I need that is certified organic.

I know shopping organic can get expensive, and this way of shopping is not for everyone, but that is absolutely OKAY! If you follow these 5 SIMPLE tips when shopping for your groceries, you will be on your way to a healthier pantry for you and your entire family!!



This is by far the most important, just because the word “Natural” is the first word that catches your eye on the packaging, does NOT mean it’s  true!

Always, take that extra minute to glance at the ingredient lists. You will want to look for things like, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Aspartame (this is a BIG one I always look for!), Xanthan gum, Potassium sorbate, Sodium benzoate, Caramel color, or other artificial coloring, anything named a color with a number next to it.
Such as, Blue No. 1, Blue No, 2, Green No. 3, oh and my favorite of them all, Red 40 lake! I’m sorry, but what on earth is Red 40 Lake? Does anyone know, I don’t have a damn clue! Also Cellulose powder, which is mostly found in parmesan or other cheeses to prevent clumping. Bet you can’t guess what its made of…wood pieces or other plant like fibers – gross right? I’m not the biggest fan of cheese, but when I do eat it, I prefer there not be wood shavings in it!


The longer the ingredient list, the more “unnatural” or “processed” that food is going to be. Remember processed is exactly what we want to AVOID! Its said that an ingredient list should really be no more than 3 lines long. With that being said, it takes no time at all to see if an ingredient list is longer than 3 lines! This is even a good job for your little ones (if you have children)! Let them be your “double checker”, have them also count the lines listed on the ingredient list. This helps them feel engaged in the shopping adventure (lets face it, shopping with our children is ALWAYS an adventure), and gets them also thinking more about the food they eat and whats actually in it! Then the questions start rolling, which is the start to their own knowledge of nutrition!


Watch out for the SUGAR! You want to be sure sugar is NOT listed as the FIRST ingredient. Sugar in not terrible in moderation, but you DON’T want to consume something that has more sugar in it than any other ingredient…NOT GOOD!


Three and four kind of go hand in hand, This is VERY important to know, so pay close attention!

If you did not already know, Ingredient lists are listed in predominance. The ingredient used in the GREATEST amount is listed FIRST. The first ingredient should ALWAYS be your main source of nutrition. For example, if your buying pasta, you want “Wheat”, to be the first ingredient listed!

Always be mindful of that first ingredient!


This is the last, but certainly not the least! Pronunciation is so important, if you can’t pronounce it, chances are it SHOULD NOT be in your food! For me, if I am unable to find a certain food that’s certified organic, the label reading begins. If I can not pronounce more than 3 of the ingredients listed…back on the shelf it goes! Then, I’m on to the next brand. This may take me a few extra minutes but it’s so worth it! Once you find the brand that fits these 5 Label Reading Rules, write it down if it’s not something you commonly keep in your pantry. Then the next time it’s on your shopping list, you won’t be spending the extra time searching for it!

I don’t know about you, but nothing gives me more peace of mind than knowing the food I give to my little ladies is HEALTHY, and full of REAL nutritious ingredients!

Healthy and Happy eating from our Family to yours♡