Life,  Motherhood


Many moments occur in life, that we simply never forget. The kind of moments that hold a certain significance. That we are unable to free from our memory, no matter how hard we seem to try.

I’ll never forget that day. After our official diagnosis was given, and our treatment regime was decided upon. Our hearts shattered, as our world came crumbling down – again. Our thoughts drifted to dark places, as our fears continued to transpire. Our strength felt nonexistent, as our hope seemed to dwindle. At this moment, and only at this moment, our world stood completely still. Our life became nothing but questions of uncertainty. It was this very moment, that determined the path to our future.

We suddenly awakened from the nightmare, we were desperately hoping it was – and were face to face, with the reality we were praying it wasn’t. Yet, there we stood, just Josh and myself, hand and hand staring through the tiny glass of those double doors. I just remember bodies moving through the halls, almost in slow motion. Telling myself, that I did not want to go one step further. Not yet ready to know the life, beyond those two doors. I was already struggling to keep myself breathing. I couldn’t help but question, what might happen if I actually went in there.

Without being given time to ponder that thought, we hesitantly pushed opened the double doors, stepped into a world that would forever change us. I have much more I want to say, many emotions I want to express, just struggling to convey them in such a way that paints the picture. Honestly, these four paragraphs shock me in an unexpected way. Just goes to show, that healing is a process, and this one is mine. So for now, I will leave here…To this journey, these double doors, this incredible little lady & her precious blue baby – Here’s to 2 Years CANCER FREE!