About Me

Let me start off by properly introducing myself, my name is Alyssa! However, my greatest blessings in life, call me Mommy!

From the time I was just a little girl, without a care in this crazy world, ignorant to what the “real” world was all about. I knew for certain there was one job I was destined for – to be a mother. Let me tell you today, as I mother of two incredible little ladies, there is absolutely nothing in this world I love more than being their mommy!

After moving to the Sunshine State, and having our perfectly healthy, and of course beautiful daughter Brenley J in late 2013. Josh and I decided it was only right to pack up our belongings and move back home, so our family could enjoy our new addition, just as much as we were. Then, 22 months later in August of 2015, God blessed us again with another perfectly healthy, beautiful baby girl…Brysen Ann!

Life, I would say above all, was pretty amazing! I mean, no, we didn’t have it all (whatever “it all” may be), but we had what mattered…two beautiful, happy, healthy daughters. Truthfully, what more could you ask for?
Then the year 2016, changed our lives forever, in more ways than one…

Throughout these last couple of years, we have been on a journey I wish no child or family ever had to know. Yet, this journey is our life, and what a wonderful one it is. It is through this journey, I found my passion aside from being a mommy.
And just like that, all because of two inspirational little ladies, Notes & a Journal was born.

In this blog, I am holding nothing back! Sharing our Journey in life, to where we are now. I hope you will find this blog as inspiring to you, as it is to me!

Welcome to my Motherhood ♡

  • he·ro

    1. An ordinary individual who finds the strength and courage to persevere in spite of overwhelming obstacles.

Instagram: @notesandajournal